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25 November 2019

Tattu Edinburgh: Behind the Scenes

Tattu Edinburgh behind the scenes

Each Tattu restaurant aims to have a unique design. In the Leeds Restaurant, Yarwood Leather added deboss detail with the Tattu ‘T’ for the backs of Telegraph Contract Furniture Miami Chairs.

For the latest Tattu Restaurant in Edinburgh, Tattu once again wanted to introduce new designs whilst keeping the beautiful details which make a Tattu Restaurant.

Yarwood Leather offers an on-site leather embroidery service, with leather being cut by our on-site team and then embroidered. This service offered Tattu the chance to get creative with this latest restaurant. Tattu said of the design, “Leather is a skin, which means it can be tattooed, so it’s a complementary material for us to use as part of the brand’s overarching concept. We wanted to apply bespoke tattoos our furniture and chose ornate koi and dragon designs which are very prevalent in Chinese history in line with the ‘traditional meets contemporary’ design brief for the site. The gold embroidery looks classic and luxurious against the modern grey Yarwood Anthracite.”

Golden threads and intricate designs were chosen for seating throughout the space.

See our embroidery machine in action and the design take shape… Scroll down to see the finished seating

With approximately 50,000 stitches in each piece, the embroidery adds rich detail to the seating and compliments the natural tones in Utah Anthracite.

Booth and bench seating by Woodhouse Contract Furnishers feature a koi design, whereas the backs of Telegraph Contract Furniture bespoke dining chairs feature a Chinese dragon. Take a look at the embroidery in action…

For more from Tattu read our Design Case Study

Posted by Laura Wood

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