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25 September 2019

Marine Interiors – Cruise & Ferry Global Expo, 11-13 Sept, Hamburg

Marine Interiors Cruise Ferry Global Expo

Yarwood representatives, Audrey and Kerry, took part in last week’s inaugural Marine Interiors Expo located in Germany’s number one cruise port, Hamburg. 106 exhibitors from 21 countries played host to 2,800 international visitors. The marine interior design community came together from all corners of the globe to see just how integral design has become in creating unforgettable passenger experiences!

Energetic Conference Sessions included topics such as greener cruising, safety and sustainability, effective dialogue between cruise lines, ports and cities, technology and innovation and the future of expedition cruises. Experts from some of the world’s largest cruise lines, prestigious design agencies and shipping experts, shared their valuable insights.

The Marine Interiors exhibition was created to showcase interior furnishings and fittings within the flourishing cruise industry. There are over 130 new ships being built by 2027, over 90% of them in Europe. With 5* luxury and experiential cruises at the forefront, the show enabled innovative suppliers like Yarwood Leather, interior designers and architects to present trends and inspirational ideas. Leather is a popular product choice as it not only brings an undeniably luxurious feel to passengers but is also sustainable, reducing refurb, cleaning and replacement costs. With new ultra-luxe design currently coming from the likes of Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection, Royal Caribbean Celebrity Edge and Virgin Voyages, leather provides designers with a high-quality natural material that meets their creative, safety and acoustic requirements. 

Vitally, our cruise ship leather and faux products are certified to Crib5 and IMO8 for marine use. We provide a wide range of finishes from our new vintage-inspired, distressed leather, Origin to luxuriously soft aniline leathers such as Tribe and Utah. Established in Leeds over 50 years ago, our tannery is based in northern Italy and we distribute our products globally. For designers, we provide a Bespoke Colour Service to match unique Pantone or RAL references, cutting and sewing services, embossing and embroidery to enhance the creativity of your design or use of corporate branding.

Browse through all Yarwood Leather’s marine offering, or see our leather in action on the seas aboard Gulf Craft luxury yachts.

Posted by Laura Wood

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