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16 May 2017

How to Make the Most Out of Excess Leather

When buying high quality leather, you definitely want to make the most of its beauty and enduring qualities. Therefore, upcycling your leather is a brilliant option and essentially means you get 2-4-1 – not only is re-using your leather great for you, it also doesn’t end up in a landfill, which means it’s beneficial to the environment.


Leather Chair

Leather Strap Chair

Why not use excess leather to create a beautifully unique chair? This will be sure to draw attention due to its distinctive look, and is a fun way to make the most out of your leftover leather.


Giant Leather Cushion

Leather Patchwork Cushion

This patchwork pillow can be created from a variety of old leathers, which then produce a great addition to any sitting area. The juxtaposed colours and patterns are sure to stand out in your room and draw positive attention to it.


Create a Leather Dog Collar

Leather Dog Collar

Your can even benefit your furry friend with your excess leather!


Shelf Straps

Leather Shelf Strap

Shelf straps truly are a unique way of holding up items around the house. Not only are they practical, they also look the part too! Re-using leather in this way is also a fun arts and crafts activity for members of the household.


Leather Cable Holder

Leather Cable Holder

Sick of getting all your cables tangled together? Perhaps a leather cable holder could be the answer to all of your problems. This guarantees your cable mess look considerably better, but it also ensures tidy surroundings.


Leather Memo Holder

Leather Memo Pad

Another suggestion for upcycling your leather could be using the leftover snippets to make your own personalised memo holder. This accessory will be sure to make you look the part, due to it’s simple yet classic design.

Even the Yarwood Leather cutting department utilises it’s excess leather. Client ANS Sofa’s created this unique chair using off cuts.


The possibilities for upcycling leather are endless. You can release your creativity and make an exclusive one-off or perhaps go for a classic option of making your own bag with a personal touch.

Yarwood also offer a debossing service if you wish to make your hand-crafted leather items even more tailored to your own individual style.

See more creative ideas over on our Pinterest

Posted by Laura Wood

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