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12 March 2024

Superior seating for hospitality venues: a guide

Every detail matters when it comes to elevating the ambience of a hospitality venue. From enticing dining spaces to cosy guest rooms to luxury lounging, the best seating isn’t simply based on aesthetics: functionality and regulations are also important features to examine when specifying materials and styles.

Whether designing for a modern bistro or a grand hotel, we outline considerations to make to ensure hospitality seating is as sustainable and practical as it is beautiful. 

Choosing the right seating for the hospitality sector


As experts in hospitality seating, we’re aware that every project is different, and seating needs to suit the specific needs of the venue. However, there are certain questions that remain important to ask, whether you’re designing a hotel lobby or restaurant booth.

Is it comfortable?

Before choosing seating for a restaurant, bar, or hotel, think about how it will impact the customer experience. It’s important that seating enhances the ambience, so choosing hard seats might stop diners from lingering, but it could also be the difference between them staying for cake and coffee after their meal. A home-away-from-home experience will always encourage return custom, and comfy seating plays a huge role in that. 

Does it comply with fire safety standards?

As part of the Furniture and Furnishings Fire Safety Regulations 1988, bars, restaurants, and hotels must use materials that will not easily catch fire in normal circumstances. This is known as the Crib 5 standard, and is tested on the covers of seating, such as leather, faux leather, or fabrics, as well as the seat filling. All our standard offerings meet regulations for Crib 5 tests, as well as cigarette and match tests. 

Are there distinctive seating zones?

Defining different areas within the same hospitality venue can help cater to various customer preferences. For example, having a blend of high-top bar tables, communal seating, and cosy booths can cater for a mix of solo, social, and more intimate customer experiences. This converted barn we supplied with aged, elegant, rich blue leather is a perfect example of this: its bar stools and dining chairs offering different seating styles while remaining a harmonious aesthetic with our Mustang leather in colour Ocean

Is it fitting with the brand identity?

A venue’s theme or look is always a priority, so it’s important to find materials that suit the brand image and identity. For example, a cruise lounge area may need soft, natural-looking seating, while historic, vintage-industrial hotels may require a mix of rich and luxurious leathers. If you’re designing for a specific company colour scheme, using bespoke colour matches and embroidery detailing services can help create a continuous brand look throughout a venue.

As well as our colour matching service, we also provide a range of styles, colours, and finishes of leather, faux leather, and fabrics. Whether you want a buttery-soft waiting area or a hard-wearing hide for dining seating, we create stunning seating that’s used extensively across bars, restaurants and hotels, with ranges suited to booth and banquette seating available in modern brights and classic tones. 

Ready to plan your hospitality project? Explore our leather or get in touch for more information.

Posted by Stevie Burrell

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