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18 October 2023

Leather furniture trends for 2024

As we step into the world of interior design in 2024, leather furniture trends are evolving to reflect our changing times. Today’s designers and decision-makers are not only focused on aesthetics but also on sustainability, innovation, and functionality. 

Here, we explore the leather furniture trends for 2024 that are sure to inspire, and help you make informed choices for your projects.


More sustainable leather

In 2024, sustainability is more than just a buzzword – it’s a way of life. As environmental concerns continue to grow, so does the demand for materials that have lower environmental impact. Sustainable and ‘eco’ leather is expected to be at the forefront of leather furniture trends this year. Manufacturers are increasingly adopting responsible practices, including using vegetable-tanned leather, recycled leather, and low-impact tanning processes. These options not only reduce environmental impact but also offer a beautiful and durable finish.


Timeless styles

Some things never go out of style, and that includes mid-century modern and vintage-inspired furniture. These classic design aesthetics are making a strong comeback in 2024. Think sleek lines, minimalist silhouettes, and retro charm. Leather pieces with clean, timeless designs perfectly complement these styles, adding a touch of sophistication to any interior.


Earthy, neutral tones

Neutral colour palettes are enduring choices when it comes to leather furniture. In 2024, earthy tones such as warm browns, rich tans, and deep olive greens are taking centre stage. These shades create a sense of serenity and balance in your living spaces while allowing you to experiment with bolder accents and accessories. Earthy-toned leather furniture effortlessly integrates with various design schemes, from rustic to contemporary.


Customised leather furniture

One of the most exciting trends in leather furniture for 2024 is customisation. Designers and consumers alike are seeking unique, personalised pieces that cater to their specific needs and preferences. Customised leather furniture allows you to select the colour, texture, and even stitching details, ensuring that your furniture is a true reflection of the desired aesthetic.


High-tech integration

Technology and furniture are becoming increasingly intertwined, and leather furniture is no exception – innovations like our Churchill faux leather range are revolutionising the way we interact with furniture. Churchill is an intrinsically high-performance faux leather, meeting Contract level Crib5 and IMO flame retardancy as standard. The faux distressed leather is treated with our Sanitized™ treatment, meaning it’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and ideal for use in a range of settings.


Sustainable tanning techniques

In addition to sustainable leather materials, tanning processes are also evolving to minimise environmental impact. Chrome-free and water-based tanning techniques are gaining popularity, as they reduce chemical pollution and resource consumption. When choosing leather furniture in 2024, inquire about the tanning methods used to ensure your purchase aligns with the sustainability goals of your project.

Ultimately, leather furniture trends for 2024 are set to blend timeless elegance with sustainability. Whether designing cosy hotel rooms or finding perfect solutions for the automotive industry, these trends offer a wealth of inspiration. Sustainable and eco leather, timeless styles, earthy tones, customisation options, high-tech integration, and responsible tanning techniques are all shaping the leather furniture landscape for the year ahead.


As you embark on your interior design projects in 2024, remember to prioritise both aesthetics and sustainability. Choose leather furniture that not only enhances a space but also contributes to a more eco-conscious future. Your choices today will leave a lasting impact on the world of design and the environment for years to come.

Ready to plan your project? Explore our leather or get in touch for more information.

Posted by Stevie Burrell

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