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27 June 2023

Benefits of using leather on furniture

Leather has been around for centuries and there are several reasons why it is a popular choice for furniture.

The durability of leather can last for many years, withstanding daily use in hospitality, residential and workspace environments.

This boardroom by Novo Design for Harvey Nash features Mustang Black on their Geneva side chair.

An example here from RJ Davey Upholstery hows their client had two chairs which have been in the family for generations with leather which has worn very well over the years. They’ve chosen to reupholster them in our Mustang Tan leather to match their existing sofa, and again, the new leather should last them for many more years to come.


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It’s a comfortable choice when it comes to seating, known for it’s luxurious and comfortable feel. It’s natural elasticity allows it to conform to the body’s shape, providing a comfortable seating experience. Over time, leather also tends to soften and develop a unique patina, enhancing its comfort and aesthetic appeal.

When it comes to the aesthetics of leather furniture, it often exudes a sense of sophistication and timeless elegance. It adds a touch of luxury and richness to any interior décor. Leather comes in a variety of textures, finishes, and colours, allowing for a wide range of design options to suit different styles and preferences.

This is just a small selection of the colours and finishes which Yarwood Leather offer.

The care of leather is relatively easy to maintain compared to other upholstery materials. You can refer to our other blog ‘How to Care for your Leather Furniture‘ for more information on this, but leather tends to age gracefully, developing a desirable weathered look over time.

Unlike some fabric upholstery materials, leather is hypoallergenic and resistant to dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens. This quality makes it a suitable choice for individuals with allergies or sensitivities.

Yarwood Leather features on this project below by Taylors Classics which have chosen leather for The Architect restaurant in Bath.


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The investment value of choosing leather furniture can potentially be more cost effective in the long run. This can be considered due to its durability and longevity. While leather furniture may have a higher upfront cost compared to some other materials, its durability means it is less likely to require frequent replacement.

Browse through all our leather options.

Posted by Stevie Burrell

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