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25 November 2020

Using metallic tones in hospitality designs

For those wanting to experiment and push boundaries in their interior design projects, metallic tones can be used in a variety of ways to create seating and stunning spaces.

Metallic tones can be subtly combined with off neutral shades, for example greys and pale pink to add detail and enhance a space.

In projects which wish to promote an industrial feel, metallic shades such as copper and pewter can provide a warmth to the interiors.

Classic silver and gold tones are versatile, offering designers plenty of choice when creating spaces. These classic metallic tones make the perfect accent pieces such as cushions or ottomans, or can easily be used with darker colours or different fabrics to create two tone seating.

Get design inspiration from these metallic faux leather projects.

The subtle effect.

Choose a neutral shade with a metallic finish. Seen here on the BPR London Tube Arm Chair the white tone of Element Opal adds a shimmer to bar or restaurant seating.

Go for Gold.

Embracing a metallic finish can really create a standout design, or in this case, an award winning design. Our Gold faux leather featured in Dirty Martini, Monument. The deep buttoned effect on this booth seating adds to the glamour of this bar.

Layer up.

Glitter curtains, neon lighting, mirror ceilings and chrome finishes, this London bar has it all. Unapologetically loud, silver from our Dollaro faux leather range was chosen for banquette seating.

Pair with plush fabrics.

This chic bar pairs our Dollaro Pewter with vibrant blue velvets for stool seating.

Create sleek bar panelling

Subtly add a touch of metallic to interior design by choosing metallic tones for bar panelling. Element Smoky Quartz is paired here with wood finishes.

Choose from our metallic tones in our Element and Dollaro faux leather ranges.


Posted by Laura Wood

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