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JDD, established by friends Joe and James, offers flexible, simple designs for office environments, all handmade in the Midlands. We’re taking a look at some of their recent projects and peeking in their London showroom to see our leather and faux in action on JDD’s seating.

Bringing the leather look into the workplace

Vintage Vine was chosen for the inside of this Delia two-seater den, bringing the look of natural, rustic leather to the workplace.

The blue grey faux leather tone of Vintage Juniper also features on this JDD den seating.

This workplace design features the rustic tones of Churchill faux leather in Tan on JDD’s Colin banquette seating.

Combining grey finishes for this workspace seating, JDD included our Churchill Anthracite in this project.

A classic leather look

Mustang Tan is showcased on the Walter chair in JDD’s London showroom, the seating design is a perfect match for Mustang, showcasing the natural beauty of leather and creating an impressive piece perfect for an office reception or comfy breakout space, we would even love this in our home!

JDD_Walter Chair_Yarwood Leather_Mustang3

Small but mighty

The Edam cube from JDD is seen here upholstered in our Heritage Crimson. The rich tones of our Heritage range offer a unique look for workplace seating.

Heritage Crimson on JDD Edam Cube

If you would like to learn more about the work of JDD, visit their website.

Posted by Yarwood Admin

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