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Hospitality,hotel,marine,workspace Leather

Our anti-microbial leather is a high-peformance faux leather that ensures upholstery is welcoming and safe, for settings ranging from healthcare to hospitality. With our sanitised treatment and high-performance base layers, our range is inherently anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and can be cleaned with bleach.

The enhanced functionality and performance of our anti-microbial leather makes it flexible for a wide range of applications, including GP and hospital waiting rooms, dentist chairs, care home seating, hotel headboards, bespoke bars, offices, restaurants, and marine design.

Strength and durability meet style, with anti-microbial leather available in contemporary colours such as vibrant green, prussian blue, coral, rose gold, and more. Enjoy peace of mind that all our anti-microbial leather passes the following fire regulations as standard: Crib 5, IMO Part 8, and BS7176.

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