T (+44) 0113 252 1014

Suitable for:


Range - Ascot – faux

Colour - Brown

Material - Faux Leather

Ascot - faux

A decadent sheen and pattern makes Ascot stand out in a bar, hotel or restaurant.

The Ascot range starts with the high-performance base layer, a textile material that has strength and durability throughout. The base layer has great torsional stability resulting in very high tear strength, whilst our special process also makes it much less susceptible to edge fraying and stitch hole tears. The base layer is flame retardant to the UK Crib5 standard and the International Maritime Organisation IMO A.652 12 standard. The high performance continues with the microfibre style finish. The velvet-like nap on the surface further enhances the value of the Ascot range. Ascot is the perfect companion to crushed velvet, but without the performance frailties of the former. Finally, the top coat is treated with our Sanitized anti-bacterial process to ensure Ascot remains resistant to many bacterial strains, including MRSA.

The Ascot range is commonly used in bar, restaurant and hotels where its class-leading aesthetics, cutting edge performance and tough durability make it right at home.

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Item Number: V ASCO06

SKU: V ASCO06 Categories: , , ,

Key Facts

Additional information


Faux Leather




Hospitality, Residential


Ascot – faux

Weight (metric)


Coating composition


Fabric layer composition



Abrasion (UK)

Abrasion (USA)


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