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Mans Market

With inspiration coming from Hong Kong, Mans Market presents a casual, new age dining and drinking experience.


Entering down the steps to Mans Market, greeted by a wall of Chinese signage and waving cats inspired by the Ladies Market of Hong Kong, Mans Markets transports you into a collection of relaxed spaces to enjoy their new age twist on classic Chinese cuisine and signature Mans cocktails.

The flagship restaurant in Leeds features Yarwood Leather’s Utah Anthracite throughout the restaurant seating.


The design of Mans Market was deliberated heavily to create a unique experience, differing from traditional Chinese restaurants. Inspired by the shipping yards of Hong Kong, Mans Market embraces a raw, industrial feel whilst also maintaining a high level of comfort.

Yarwood Leather’s Utah Anthracite was chosen for its cool grey shade. Being a full grain, natural leather, the Utah range showcases the innate beauty of leather with the worn look of Utah fully embraced on the bench seating.


Learn more about Mans Market or view their delicious menu!

Enjoy Chinese cuisine in a cool, modern design. Meet Mans Market Leeds

Posted by Yarwood Admin

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