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20 June 2023

Clearance Leather

Did you know we have a complete section for our clearance leathers.

There’s a wide range of high-quality leathers and faux leathers at discounted prices with stock from product and colour discontinuations.

Leathers starting at 90p per sqft and faux leathers at £5.50 per lm.

Some of these range include Bravia, a glossy, pigmented leather that’s sure to catch the eye on any piece of furniture.

Both leather and faux leathers in a colourful tones and textures.

And a large selection of brown and neutral tones in different textures and finishes.

This is just a small selection of what we have on offer.

Check out the complete collection of productions in our clearance section and get in touch for samples.


Posted by Stevie Burrell

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