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17 May 2023

Using Leather in Cruise Ship Design

Have you ever been on a cruise? Well the detail and design which goes into a ship is extraordinary.

Leather is a popular material used for upholstery on cruise ships due to its durability, versatility, and luxurious appearance.

Leather is often used in cruise ship design in areas of the ship that require comfortable seating, such as the main dining rooms, lounges, and bars. It can also be used for cabin upholstery on headboards, wall paneling, and other decorative features throughout the ship.

This executive cabin has examples of leather upholstery across all the seating and wall paneling, featuring our Odyssey range in Ember Glow, Highland Mist, Tranquil Meadow and Wilderness Trek.

Bringing together leather with other finishes can create a visually interesting and dynamic look. Leather has a unique texture and appearance that stands out. By pairing it with other finishes, such as wood, metal, or fabric, you can create a striking contrast that adds visual interest to the furniture.

We’ve paired some here with our faux leather, Versital’s cultured marble and Bobo1325 velvet fabric. The combination of different textures can make the furniture more inviting and engaging.

Other areas onboard a cruise ship which may utilise leather would be the state rooms, theatres, public spaces and restaurants.

In this bar lounge you will find a mix of both leather and faux leathers. Bar stools upholstered in our leather ranges Mustang in colour Reef and High table stools in Heritage Crimson. These are paired with Element faux leather in Opal on the tub armchairs.

Another example of marine design is private yachts. This super yacht by Gulf Craft features leather paneling on the walls and ceiling, and the dining chairs are upholstered in leather, all Style Chalk.

Leather is one of the most sustainable products you could choose and with proper care, it can last a very long time. The aesthetics of interiors will continue to evolve at a faster pace, but you can choose furniture upholstered in leather as a lasting choice and develop its habitat if a redesign is required. This will initially keep the cost down but still change the design.

Overall, leather is a versatile material that can be used in a wide variety of areas in cruise ship design. Its durability, luxurious appearance, and ease of maintenance make it a popular choice for designers and shipbuilders looking to create a comfortable and inviting atmosphere for guests.

Posted by Stevie Burrell

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