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6 May 2022

Yarwood Introduce New Biobased Faux Leather

To complement the natural leather offering, which takes a material that would otherwise go to landfill and upcycles it, Yarwood Leather have introduced a faux leather option which takes a renewable biomaterial and once again transforms it into something which if treated correctly, will last.

Introducing Botany.

A faux leather created using biomaterials from the forestry industry, launched in a range of classic tones, inspired by the forest, not only does this range offer a sustainable faux leather option, it performs to our high standard.

Meeting fire requirements for contract, marine and residential interiors, this range brings a natural leather look, with a soft handle that simple needs to be felt to be believed.

Explore the new range, learn more about the sustainability qualities of Botany, or see Botany in action in this cruise ship lounge area design.

Posted by Laura Wood

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