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6 January 2022

Yarwood Introduce New Contract Fabric Ranges

Yarwood has been supplying leather and faux leather successfully into the hospitality, marine, workspace and residential sectors for over 50 years. During lockdown in 2020, we invested heavily to bring you a selection of fabrics we feel enhance and complement our leather and faux ranges.

This new fabric range has been designed to give your projects the look and feel of natural Linen, earthy Wool and luxury Velvet. Incorporating state of the art natural and manmade yarns to perform to contract standard and meet FR specifications, Crib5 and IMO Part 8.

Chamonix – a warm and comforting wool fabric in classic and commercial tones

Manhattan – a luxurious and glamorous velvet feel in sophisticated neutrals and deep, rich colours

Santorini – a fresh and calming linen look with timeless tones and modern brights

We hope the new fabric range will simplify and speed up the process of selecting fabrics with colours and textures that work well with our leather and faux ranges.

Meeting REACH and OEKO-TEX standards, our fabric range is produced using our new state of the art Crib5 and IMO lamination process, using a Halogen Free, Oekotex/ZDHC approved FR Compound on the backing cloth. As with all our products, our fabric supply chain prides itself on high-quality and ethical production.

This addition to our offering is the first in a series of new additions coming in 2022.

Our fabrics are subject to MOQ and lead times. 

There is a MOQ of 10 linear meters to ensure the correct machine tension during the Crib5 application, the turnaround is approximately 10 days. (Please get in touch if you require less than 10m for prototype furniture). Larger quantities will be dealt with on an individual enquiry basis to ensure stock is treated to meet your project deadlines. Sample pieces can be sent out within 3-4 days of your request.

Posted by Laura Wood

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